Training and required paperwork must be completed to volunteer at a school site or chaperone a field trip.
Barstow Unified School District offers volunteer training classes throughout the year. The following are requirements to become a volunteer:
- Volunteer Application signed by the Principal of each school site where you want to volunteer (annual requirement)
- Attendance to District Training Class (one time requirement, unless severed from district for more than 18 months)
- Tuberculosis Clearance provided prior to being placed on the volunteer training list (required update every 4 years)
- Online Mandatory Training Modules completed before volunteering (annual requirement)
- Live Scan Fingerprinting (one time requirement, unless severed from district for more than 18 months)
- Required Documents:
- $35 exact cash
- Social Security Card
- Driver's license
- Required Documents:
Due to limited space, BUSD will be calling volunteers that have turned in their signed applications to reserve their spot for the next training.
*BUSD staff must call personnel to verify clearance prior to volunteering or chaperoning*
Please call 760-255-6000 for questions regarding volunteering or training.