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Special Education & 504 Liaisons

Barstow Unified School District has Special Education and 504 Liaison's to assist parents through the Special Education & 504 Processes. Liaison's serve as a neutral and confidential non-legal resource for BUSD families. 

Liaison's provide support in the following ways: 

  • Answering questions and providing support through the IEP and 504 process
  • Supporting communication between parents/guardians and district personnel
  • Sharing community resources available for students and families. 
  • Helping parents resolve issues and concerns related to Special Education and 504 Plans
  • Help parents gain a better understanding of the special education and/or district processes and procedures 

 If you would like to request assistance from one of the staff members please complete the online Special Education/504 Liaisons Request Form

Printable: Liaison Request Form / Formulario de Solicitud de Enlace.



 Eventos comunitarios del mes (documento de google en vivo que se publica cada semana)


Alma Esquivel
S.S. SpEd & 504 Liaison - ENG
Email | Phone: 760-255- 6042 
Jesenia Hinson
S.S. SpEd & 504 Liaison - ENG/SPAN
Email | 760-255-6043


 For the more information and details about liaisons, see the official memorandum released by the Superintendent,  here.
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