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Child Welfare & Attendance

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The office of Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) provides support to students, families, and school site personnel. Services and supports include but are not limited to compliance with compulsory education laws, student admission and enrollment, student discipline hearings, transfers to alternative programs, compulsory attendance referrals, attendance reports, and safety. 

CWA's primary goal is to support students so they attend school every day, on time, and learn the skills and abilities to thrive the entire school year.

CWA provides services to students and families who are:

  • Truant
  • Expelled
  • Disenrolled
  • Dropped Out
  • On probation
  • Homeless
  • Foster Youth
  • Students who are “at-promise”/”at-risk”

CWA may help in the following ways: 

  • Assist students to enroll in appropriate educational programs
  • Assist parents/guardians through the expulsion and suspension process
  • Monitor school attendance
  • Assist students in fulfilling School Attendance Review Board (SARB) expulsion and probation contracts