California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Public Information Webpage
See the State Assessment Programs webpage for the administration schedule and notification letters.
Assessment Information
Administered in the Spring of each school year to students in Grades 5, 7 and 9
Student scores are provided verbally during testing or written after testing is completed.
PFT Information
PFT Background
The statewide physical fitness testing program was first authorized in 1976 and reestablished in 1995 as part of the California Assessment of Academic Achievement Act (Assembly Bill [AB] 265 which added EC Section 60800). In February 1996, the State Board of Education designated FITNESSGRAM® as the required physical fitness test that LEAs shall administer to California students in grades five, seven, and nine.
EC Section 60800 requires LEAs to administer the physical fitness test (i.e., FITNESSGRAM®):
- LEAs shall administer the PFT annually during the months of February through May to all students in grades five, seven, and nine.
- The California Department of Education (CDE) collects the physical fitness test results and provides aggregate results to LEAs and the public.
- The CDE reports the aggregate results to the Governor of California and the California Legislature.
- LEAs are to provide students with their individual results after completing the PFT either orally or in writing.
- LEAs report the summary results of the PFT in their annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC).
Related Resources
Updated February 15, 2024
Webpage maintained by Instructional Support Services