Resources related to the Barstow Unified School District English Learner Program
English Learner (EL) Program
The purpose of the Title III English Learner (EL) Student Program is to ensure that all EL students attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic standards as all other students. (20 United States Code § 6812.)
When a child enrolls in a CA school and a language other than English is noted on the child’s Home Language Survey, the law requires LEAs (school districts) to assess that child and notify parent/guardian of the child’s proficiency (California Education Code, Sections 313 and 60810).
Barstow Unified School District (BUSD) identifies rigorous goals and objectives for English Learner (EL) students. BUSD works to ensure that EL students acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and successfully as possible in order to attain parity with native English speakers. The ELPAC identifies four English-language proficiency levels for ELs:
Summative ELPAC General PLDs (performance level descriptors)
BUSD Distance Learning English Learner Program Webpage
English Learner Master Plan
The district’s goal for EL students is to move up one ELPAC level per year until they reach Level 4 and are reclassified as Fluent-English Proficient (FEP).
For additional information regarding BUSD's English Language Learner plan please see the below EL Master Plan.
English Language Development Standards
Proficiency Assessments for California
for more information visit CDE's website at
Reclassification Requirements
Reclassification is a process through which English Learners (EL’s) are Reclassified as Fluent English Language Proficient (RFEP). This occurs when they have demonstrated academic English proficiency based on district-established criteria.
BUSD Reclassification Process (English/Spanish)
Comite del Distrito
de Asesoramiento de Padres de Estudiantes aprendices de ingles
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Calendario de Reuniones / Meeting Schedule
Reuniones seran en las oficinas del distrito, 551 S. Ave H, Barstow, a las 9:00 a.m.
English Language Advisory Committee - School
Asesoramiento Escolar de Padres de estudiantes aprendices de ingles
Please e-mail school site EL coordinator for schedule
Updated September 23, 2022
Webpage maintained by the Instructional Support Services Department