Alternative Education Progams
Click on the link below to be redirected to BUSD Board Policy:
Barstow Digital Academy (BDA) Independent Study Program
For the 21/22 school year, due to concerns with COVID, parents/guardians can request that their child(ren) participate in the Barstow Digital Academy Independent Study Program.
- If interested, Parents/Guardians will need to contact their child's current school site to inform the school of their interest in their child participating in the Barstow Digital Academy Independent Study Program. Parent/Guardian will also need to complete a School-to-School form prior to enrollment in the Barstow Digital Academy Independent Study Program.
- If your child has an IEP, an addendum IEP meeting will need to be completed prior to participation in the independent study program.
The Barstow Digital Academy is an Independent Study Program not distance learning. The independent study program does not teach students in traditional or virtual "classroom". Its learning model is "personalized learning/independent study," in which a student is usually placed at home for instruction primarily by parents or caregivers, with curriculum support and direction from the independent study program staff. In the independent study program, students must be capable of working independently on approved grade level curriculum and completing assignments independently from teaching staff. As its name implies, the Independent Study Program does not include direct instruction from a classroom teacher throughout the full school day; rather, the student engages with instructional materials independently and/or with parent teaching and support for the majority of their learning.
- If a student is not completing 60% of the independent study classwork at any given time or the student is not following the independent study agreement, the school site will initiate the Tiered Reengagement Process through the School Attendance Review Board (SARB process) and your child could be referred back to in-person instruction.
- Participation in in the Barstow Digital Academy (BDA) Independent Study Program requires that the parent/guardian agree to the Barstow Digital Academy Independent Study Agreement.
Home and Hospital Instruction
The Home and Hospital Instruction Program (California Education Code Section 48206.3) serves students who incur a temporary disability, which makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program impossible or inadvisable.
- BUSD Home Hospital request form - this form must be signed by the student's medical physician and submitted to your child's school site